The following prototype regulation shows that it is possible to cover all kinds of research and technology risks in one piece of regulation, making the currently practiced piece-meal approach superfluous. Compared with the practice of developing particular pieces of regulation e.g. for biotechnology, nuclear science, geo-engineering and always running behind the new technologies popping-up, this regulatory approach permits an easy handling and a faster and more complete coverage of research and technology risks.
Download Model Law on Research and Tech Risks.
This prototype regulation is the final part of a series of four articles. It is recommended to read these first:
Regulating Research and Technology Risks: Part I – Research Risks;
Regulating Research and Technology Risks: Part II – Technology Risks; and
Regulating Research and Technology Risks: Part III – Risk Classification.
As this prototype regulation is a predecessor of our Model Laws series, there are some formatting differences, however, these do not affect the substance of this regulation.