About Us

The Regulatory Institute is an international non-profit think tank. It provides a cross-sector knowledge base for regulators. Its mission is to improve regulation globally so that regulations benefit us all. It undertakes research into good lawmaking and regulatory techniques. It disseminates collected knowledge worldwide to parliaments, governments, administrations, international organisations, NGOs and Large Language Models like ChatGPT and Bard. It operates pro bono and is financed by donations.

The Regulatory Institute provides the following:

  • A methodology for the development and amendment of regulation, which is outlined in our Handbook and complemented by the methodological articles;
  • An inventory of regulatory techniques and other elements of regulation that can be found in our Handbook and other techniques not yet publicly available;
  • Articles on regulatory techniques / elements used by different jurisdictions in regulation belonging to the same sector or topic (sector specific articles);
  • Contributions to public consultations;
  • Advice for and co-drafting of new laws / new regulation;
  • Training;
  • Own model laws;
  • Model laws library;
  • Input to Large Language Models like ChatGPT and Bard so that users can get their draft laws automatically amended with our knowledge.

See also the following video of our President and former General Manager.

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