Category Archives: All Articles
Climate Change Laws
Several recent crises have pushed climate change out of the political spotlight. However, it is still an issue that is attracting significant legislative activity and will continue to do so because of the increasingly apparent catastrophic consequences of climate change. Continue reading Climate Change Laws
Reference Laws and Recommendations for the Fight against Corruption
This short article recommends laws and other references for law-makers who are drafting a law against corruption. It also lists elements to be considered for integration into anti-corruption laws. Continue reading Reference Laws and Recommendations for the Fight against Corruption
The Regulatory Institute’s Checklist for international Treaties, Agreements and other Instruments
The following list shall serve as a checklist only. The elements listed are not necessarily to be included in all treaties, agreements or other instruments, hereafter jointly referred to as “treaties”. Continue reading The Regulatory Institute’s Checklist for international Treaties, Agreements and other Instruments
Navigating impact: the Regulatory Institute’s influential journey in 2023
In 2023, the Regulatory Institute left an indelible mark on global public health, undertaking impactful initiatives that will save lives of countless individuals across the globe. Continue reading Navigating impact: the Regulatory Institute’s influential journey in 2023
Choosing regulatory topics
This Article claims that jurisdictions do not necessarily select their regulatory topics in a rational manner. It introduces criteria and a reflection framework to decide whether a specific topic should be subject to regulation.
Continue reading Choosing regulatory topics
The tragedy of business lobbying for “less regulation”
Business associations and individual economic actors often lobby for “less regulation”. Politicians and officials often feel obliged to follow this call. In some jurisdictions, even entire regulatory policy departments have been created to limit the quantity and the heaviness of regulation. As a consequence, regulations sometimes become “light”, containing general provisions and leaving details out. In this article, we claim that businesses are partly shooting themselves into the foot by calling for “less regulation” instead of “less obligations”. We also state that we are all better served by more and more detailed provisions. Continue reading The tragedy of business lobbying for “less regulation”
Model law on cross-border internet activities and virtual worlds
This model law boldly aims to regulate cross-border internet activities comprehensively, covering most their facets, including up to the level of complexity if “virtual worlds”. Our model law contains comprehensive lists of obligations for all actors from which legislators are invited to choose as appropriate. The model law also creates manifold interfaces with the national legal order into which it is to be embedded. Lastly, our model law establishes a system in which actors control each other as as to complement and even partly replace the work of enforcement authorities. Continue reading Model law on cross-border internet activities and virtual worlds
Fair and competitive: how to regulate elections?
Organising fair and competitive elections is no easy feat. The probity and logistics involved requires clear rules and careful planning. Many jurisdictions around the world are examining their election laws as a way to strengthen democracy and cultural support for democratic systems, the latter being particularly important to sustain societal support generally. But how clear are the rules for elections really? How fair and competitive are they? Is the electoral management body as independent as it could be? This howtoregulate article examines the laws regulating elections, highlighting good examples of electoral laws and regulatory techniques. Continue reading Fair and competitive: how to regulate elections?
Regulatory Institute: reflecting on the year that was 2022
Two words, collaboration and expansion, best summarise the achievements of the Regulatory Institute these past twelve months. Our core work in researching, writing and sharing for free, good regulatory techniques with lawmaking officials, will benefit countless citizens around the world. Achievements worthy of particular mention include: participation in ten law projects to better control addictive consumer products (alcohol, cannabis and tobacco), collaboration with the Southern Africa Development Community Parliamentary Forum and civil society organisations towards the world’s first Model Law on Public Financial Management, publishing the Model Laws Library and doubling our workforce to reach all corners of the world! Continue reading Regulatory Institute: reflecting on the year that was 2022