World Bank to launch regulatory advice practice

There are not so many institutions or service providers offering advice for regulators. We found a job advertisement according to which the World Bank is about to launch a comprehensive regulatory advice practice.

Extract of a World Bank job advertisement:

“The Governance Global Practice (GGP) is with more than 800 staff the largest WBG Practice. The GGP comprises a variety of different professional disciplines working on public institutions, including public sector management, governance and anti-corruption, procurement, financial management, social accountability and justice reform. The GGP has the following four thematic areas: …

The GGP interventions range from diagnostics, technical assistance and advisory services, knowledge management and sharing, creating peer learning platforms, lending and reform project implementation, and monitoring and reporting. An important part of its responsibilities is to deliver operational support to other Practices, including through inputs for policy-based operations, hands-on implementation advice and direct fiduciary due diligence of investment financing.


Regulatory Policy and Management (RPM) is a newly established business line within the GGP. The overall purpose of business line is to offer a systemic and institutional perspective on the use of regulation as a tool to deliver better government policies and services.

While the strategic and technical focus of the Team is under development, it is expected that expertise and operational support will be offered in the following broad categories: i) Regulatory quality diagnostics and indicators; ii) Developing Regulatory Policy; iii) Strengthening Regulatory (center-of-government) institutions; iv) Regulatory quality tools and processes; v) International Regulatory Cooperation; vi) Governance of Regulators.

The RPM Team has an ambitious knowledge management and product development agenda, and expects to leverage its work through collaborative networks with academia, think tanks, other international organizations, and other teams within the WBG.

A large proportion of the Team’s capacity is focused on operational activities, either through stand-alone advisory programs managed by the RPM Team, or as cross-support into lending operations or other advisory activities led by regional teams.”

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