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Climate Change Laws
Several recent crises have pushed climate change out of the political spotlight. However, it is still an issue that is attracting significant legislative activity and will continue to do so because of the increasingly apparent catastrophic consequences of climate change. Continue reading Climate Change Laws
Model Law on Corruption
Corruption remains one of the foremost challenges faced by countries worldwide. Its destructive effects impact societies, economies, and individuals globally, with developing nations bearing the brunt of this widespread issue.
While many countries have implemented anti-corruption regulations, their effectiveness may be limited. To address this gap, the Regulatory Institute presents its Model Law on Corruption. Continue reading Model Law on Corruption
Reference Laws and Recommendations for the Fight against Corruption
This short article recommends laws and other references for law-makers who are drafting a law against corruption. It also lists elements to be considered for integration into anti-corruption laws. Continue reading Reference Laws and Recommendations for the Fight against Corruption
The Regulatory Institute’s Checklist for international Treaties, Agreements and other Instruments
The following list shall serve as a checklist only. The elements listed are not necessarily to be included in all treaties, agreements or other instruments, hereafter jointly referred to as “treaties”. Continue reading The Regulatory Institute’s Checklist for international Treaties, Agreements and other Instruments
Animal Protection and Well-being Model Law
There are many animal protection laws in the world, and the variety of them is impressive. We quickly learned that the task of drafting a Model Law, including collecting and rearranging regulatory elements thereof could take us years, due to the large variety of laws and their diversity. However, we had only a few months. Continue reading Animal Protection and Well-being Model Law
Navigating impact: the Regulatory Institute’s influential journey in 2023
In 2023, the Regulatory Institute left an indelible mark on global public health, undertaking impactful initiatives that will save lives of countless individuals across the globe. Continue reading Navigating impact: the Regulatory Institute’s influential journey in 2023
Choosing regulatory topics
This Article claims that jurisdictions do not necessarily select their regulatory topics in a rational manner. It introduces criteria and a reflection framework to decide whether a specific topic should be subject to regulation.
Continue reading Choosing regulatory topics
Model Law on the Prevention of Pandemics
Under the auspices of the World Health Organisation, states are currently negotiating a convention or instrument on the prevention of pandemics. To support the negotiations and to prepare states for the future transposition of the convention or instrument, the Regulatory Institute publishes here a model law on pandemics prevention.
The tragedy of business lobbying for “less regulation”
Business associations and individual economic actors often lobby for “less regulation”. Politicians and officials often feel obliged to follow this call. In some jurisdictions, even entire regulatory policy departments have been created to limit the quantity and the heaviness of regulation. As a consequence, regulations sometimes become “light”, containing general provisions and leaving details out. In this article, we claim that businesses are partly shooting themselves into the foot by calling for “less regulation” instead of “less obligations”. We also state that we are all better served by more and more detailed provisions. Continue reading The tragedy of business lobbying for “less regulation”