The Regulatory Institute’s Checklist for international Treaties, Agreements and other Instruments

The following list shall serve as a checklist only. The elements listed are not necessarily to be included in all treaties, agreements or other instruments, hereafter jointly referred to as “treaties”.

Click here to download the checklist.

The list is, on one hand, based on the current international practice and, on the other, inspired by an analysis of frequent weaknesses of international treaties.

Users are free and even invited to copy and adapt the list to the needs of a particular international context. The Regulatory Institute would be pleased to be informed on such transformative use.

Some topics appear under various points or subpoints. We kept these redundancies because users might decide to use only particular parts of the checklist and would miss these duplicated topics if they were mentioned only at one place.

If you are looking for more inspiration for improvements of treaties, please check the Regulatory Institute’s model laws, namely for empowerments and other aspects of implementation, and the Quality Control Chapter of its Handbook “How to regulate?”.

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